Aaron Rodgers has praised Valdimir Putin in his latest media appearance, describing Russia’s president as ‘thoughtful and smart,’ while wishing that U.S. President Joe Biden was more like him.
On Tuesday, Rodgers, 40, sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss a wide range of political issues, including the COVID-19 vaccine, conspiracy theories, and Robert F. Kennedy’s offer to make the New York Jets quarterback his vice-presidential running mate.
At the start of the interview, the 2011 Super Bowl (XLV) champion said to the former Fox News political commentator: ‘You did one of the most controversial, somehow, not to me, most controversial interviews in the last, I don’t know how long, when you went to Russia and did Putin.
‘How did it feel coming back? Because anybody who watched the interview was like, number one, it was f**king awesome. Number two, Putin came off as an interesting, thoughtful, smart individual.
‘And if you’ve read 1984, the base game plan of government control, you have to have an enemy, and you have to slander that enemy regardless if you know anything about them.’
Jets QB Aaron Rodgers wasn’t afraid to share his thoughts on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in a one-on-one interview with Tucker Carlson

The 39-year-old Rodgers described Putin ‘as an interesting, thoughtful, smart individual’

The NFL’er also roasted Joe Biden’s mental faculties, calling the U.S. President as ‘this guy who can’t even walk over here? Who s***s his pants every now and then?’
Carlson’s interview with Putin was widely criticized, with many U.S. outlets pointing to factual inaccuracies and outright propaganda made by Russia’s president.
‘I think a lot of people are like, ”Oh, Putin apologists are like, whitewashing all the stuff that he’s done to the different people,”,’ Rodgers continued.
‘I was just like, no, I’d love to see Joe Biden give an interview where he can speak on the history of the United States in the same way that Putin talked about the history of his country.’
Rodgers, who displayed virtues of patriotism through the lens of U.S. military and participation in war, also vocalized his anger at the showing of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky before the U.S. Congress in green military fatigues in Dec. 2022.
”[You’re] being canceled by the people who have just bowed down and given interviews from their knees to the Zelensky’s of the world,’ Rodgers told Carlson.
‘Gargling as they interview, yes,’ Carlson replied.
‘It’s wild,’ Rodgers said in response, adding: ‘As this guy comes over in f**king an outfit you’d wear to the store on a Sunday morning to ask Congress for another $100billion, is wild.’

Rodgers also slammed America’s left for criticizing his political views, which are often linked to the far-right

The pro football player didn’t hide his dislike for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky either
The four-time NFL MVP also roasted Joe Biden’s mental faculties, as he and Carlson questioned the sense of direction that U.S. politics is going in when suggesting that the American population may be intentionally pushed by the political elite with its far-left ideologies.
‘You wonder if they’re sort of seeing how far they can push the population until someone starts laughing, like are you joking?’ Carlson joked.
‘It feels like that sometimes,’ Rodgers agreed. ‘Like ‘What if we did this? Is anybody going to give a s**t? No? Now let’s try this one here. We’re going put Joe Biden up.’ Wait what? This guy who can’t even walk over here? Who s***s his pants every now and then?’ he further joked.
Rodgers also slammed the new direction of the American left.
‘Now to even question the government you’re some right-wing, conspiracy, crazy tinfoil hat wearer, which is wild because it seems like the left has gone so far left, and anyone right of that … there’s no center anymore,’ he said. ‘That’s according to the left. You’re just, you’re a right-winger unless you’re so far on the left.
‘The left used to be the party of Occupy Wall Street, and free speech and rights for everybody. Now they’re the ones beating the drums on the war machine and censorship and obedience.’